Native History & Food Systems Education for Health Practitioners

In support of Bastyr University's dedication to holistic health education and fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment, Tahoma Peak Solutions was engaged to develop a comprehensive training course for Bastyr University healthcare practitioners—all of whom shared a common goal of addressing the root causes of disease.

Tahoma Peak Solutions presented a four-part training series tailored to Bastyr University’s audience of naturopathic physicians, traditional Chinese medical practitioners, herbalists, and nutritionists. Each of the four one-hour sessions was designed to enhance awareness and understanding of Indigenous history, the Pacific Northwest's food systems, and ongoing efforts to revitalize traditional food practices:.

Photo courtesy of Bastyr University

Tahoma Peak Solution’s four-part course content:

  • Native American History 101 & Outreach: Messaging & Working with Tribes

  • Native Food Systems Intensive

  • Northwest Native Foods & Coast Salish Diets

  • Food Sovereignty & Education Initiatives in Tribal Communities

Tahoma Peak Solutions’ interactive course aligned with Bastyr University’s specialized methodology by integrating historical timelines with contemporary solutions—emphasizing the importance of food, history, culture, and ancestral lineage in healthcare. To ensure sustained engagement and learning after each session, Tahoma Peak Solutions sparked meaningful dialogue among participants in active Q&A sessions and delivered one-page summaries highlighting key takeaways and additional learning resources.

This integrative training approach supported Bastyr University’s commitment to DEI by providing an educational and conversational platform to acknowledge, accept, and celebrate the unique identities of all its students, faculty, and staff. Furthermore, Tahoma Peak Solutions’ trainings, interactive post-session dialogue, and evergreen learning resources equipped Bastyr University’s practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of Indigenous peoples’ unique history, food systems, and diets. The project reinforced Bastyr’s mission of holistic and inclusive health education and contributed to the broader efforts of revitalizing and honoring Indigenous traditions and practices in contemporary society.


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