Protecting, Honoring, & Revitalizing the First Foods of the Klamath Basin


Tahoma Peak Solutions had the honor of collaborating with the Catena Foundation on the Klamath First Foods Roundtable, which united Klamath Tribal leaders for important discussions on encouraging the incorporation, protection, and elevation of the Klamath Basin’s first foods and Tribes.

Working alongside the Catena Foundation’s planning committee, Tahoma Peak Solutions developed an roundtable agenda and facilitated conversations about the first foods of the Klamath tribes. The roundtable featured impactful sharing sessions that gathered stories and personal experiences, highlighting the importance of protecting and restoring ancestral foods.

Exchanges delved into the loss of land and the physical, spiritual, and emotional health benefits that huckleberries, chokecherries, ipos, wocus, wild plums, deer, and elk provide to the Klamath Tribe, emphasizing their important connectivity to Indigenous peoples’ past. Climate change was identified as a primary concern to the Tribe and its food system, especially related to water. The restriction of access to sacred spaces due to development and property privatization was another significant concern. Despite these challenges, the Klamath Tribe demonstrated an inspiring commitment and united vision for the future of food sovereignty in their community.

Tahoma Peak Solutions produced a video for the Klamath First Foods Roundtable to continue raising awareness of the urgent need to protect and restore the Klamath Basin beyond the roundtable. Additionally, Tahoma Peak Solutions extended our partnership with the Catena Foundation to collaborate on a food sovereignty assessment, which will build upon the roundtable’s conclusions and put the Klamath Tribe’s united vision into action.


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