Evaluating Cultural Sensitivity & Inclusion

The Wilderness Society, a public organization with the mission to unite people to protect the continent’s environment, asked Tahoma Peak Solutions to evaluate external communications, determine how messaging appeals to Indigenous audiences, develop recommendations for improved Indigenous inclusivity, and lead a training series to educate The Wilderness Society’s staff on Native history, Tribal sovereignty, and culturally responsive communications for the long-term.

Tahoma Peak Solutions delivered an interactive, three-part educational workshop tailored to The Wilderness Society’s mission. The workshops unpacked the extensive history and meanings of “conservation” on Native lands before colonization, as well as the historical and ongoing impacts of public lands on Indigenous peoples and Tribes.


In addition to the training series and communications audit, Tahoma Peak Solutions provided The Wilderness Society with an inclusive messaging guide. This comprehensive guide included terms to use and avoid to resonate with Indigenous audiences, as well as best practices for forming partnerships with Native influencers and artists.

Finally, to further support The Wilderness Society’s newly-equipped understanding of communicating and forming meaningful partnerships with Indigenous communities, Tahoma Peak Solutions helped The Wilderness Society establish a partnership and Instagram takeover with three influential Native water protectors.


Feed Seven Generations Web Design


Washington State Department of Agriculture