The Many Lives of Water
In this Yes! Magazine article, Valerie Segrest invites us to reflect on water, a living spirit that holds memories from the beginning of time.
Fruits of Decay
In this Yes! Magazine article, Valerie Segrest (Muckleshoot) invites readers to form a deeper understanding of the diversity and wisdom of fungi and their importance to Indigenous cultures globally. Valerie pairs her knowledge of mushrooms with teachings from Martin Reinhardt (Anishinaabe Ojibway) and Meagan Baldy (Hoopa Valley). The article includes Baldy’s recipe for mushroom broth.
Chefs vs. Wild features First Ever Native American Judge and Co-Founder Valerie Segrest
Set to premiere on September 26th, the show features a first-ever Native American judge, Valerie Segrest (Muckleshoot Tribe) and a number of Indigenous contestants including Nico Albert (Cherokee), Robin Lafreniere (Anishinaabe First Nations), Morgan Nichol (Cree First Nations), and Jordyn Burnouf (Black Lake First Nation).
Medicine of the Tree People
In this Yes! Magazine article, Valerie Segrests teaches us the gifts and lessons of conifer trees in the northwest, including recipes for sun tea and conifer sea salt.
Read the full article here.
First Foods: How Native people are revitalizing the natural nourishment of the Pacific Northwest
Valerie Segrest explains the importance of decolonizing Native diets and palates as essential to bring back health and wellness.
Read the full Seattle Times article here.
Valerie Segrest and Maria Givens speak about the history of Native Food Systems on Mazon panel
Valerie Segrest and Maria Givens speak on a panel for Mazon’s Insider Briefing Series.
Valerie Segrest featured in Stories from the Salish Sea: Kelp Highway
Watch the video here!
“A Moon Inspired Menu” Valerie Segrest publishes new article in Yes! Magazine
Where I live in the Pacific Northwest, fall begins with the Moon of the Silver Salmon, and Elk Mating Cry, Falling Leaves, and Dog Salmon follow.
Valerie Segrest in “Deeply Rooted” a PBS Special
TPS Cofounder and Partner Valerie Segrest was featured in the recent PBS special “Deeply Rooted.” In the episode “Decolonize Your Plate,” she states “when America needs help saving its food system, Native people know how to fix it.”
Valerie Segrest Publishes piece in Yes! Magazine on Wildflowers
Before foraging and formulating begins, good harvesting ethics should be addressed as a reminder that reciprocity begins with mindfulness.